zaterdag 24 december 2011
Nieuwe video Wais P "Come back to collect" Produced By Dj Premier
Wais P is een Mc uit New York van de groep "Da Ranjahz" Wais P heeft kort geleden een mixtape ( Premo Pimpin ) uitgebracht die geheel geproduceerd is door Dj Premier.De beats die Wais P gebruik komen van Dj Premier's 2de instrumentalen album "Beats That Collected Dust Vol 2.Hier heb je Wais P eerste video "Come Back To Collect" Enjoy de video Support Real Hip Hop.
Nieuwe video's Krs One "Aztechnical & Holiday Gift Style"
I wish everybody happy holidays enjoy the video's
maandag 19 december 2011
Nieuwe video Common "Celebrate"
Hier heb je de laatste nieuwe video van Common "Celebrate" afkomstig van zijn nieuwe album "The Dreamer The Believer" die morgen 20 december in de winkels zal liggen Support Real Hip Hop enjoy
vrijdag 16 december 2011
The Roots "Undun" Short film
Het nieuwe album van The Roots "Undun" ligt nu in de winkels enjoy de video support Real Hip Hop.
woensdag 14 december 2011
Marco Polo / Hannibal Stax Album 2012

Producer Marco Polo ( duckdownmusic ) en Hannibal Stax ( Gangstarr Foundation ) zijn op dit moment bezig met het maken van een album.Hannibal Stax liet weten dat er tussen de 10 en 12 tracks op het album zullen verschijnen.Een titel voor het album is er nog niet.Hannibal Stax heeft met grote namen gewerkt zoals Freddie Foxxx,Afu Ra,The Nygz,Krumbsnatcha,Gangstarr en nog velen andere word vervolgd.Speacial Thanks to Hannibal Stax for the info peace homie.Stay Tuned Support Real Hip Hop.
dinsdag 13 december 2011
Dj Premier Nas Album?

Fans over de hele wereld vragen er al jaren om en het werd vaak gezegt dat het zou gaan gebeuren dan kwamen er weer geruchten dat het niet meer zou gebeuren kort geleden kwam Dj Premier samen met Nas uit met het nummer RE:Generations en velen hopen dat dit gaat leiden naar een Dj Premier/Nas album.Dj Premier heeft het nogmaals in een interview laten weten dat het gaat gebeuren een Dj Premier/Nas album meer daarover liet Premier niet weten.Ook liet Dj Premier weten dat hij opnieuw gaat samen werken met Rakim voor zijn nieuwe album.Stay tuned Support Real Hip Hop.
zaterdag 10 december 2011
Just some Classic's
Enjoy Real Hip Hop
vrijdag 25 november 2011
Nieuwe video J Live "The Authentic"
Hier is J Live`s nieuwe video "The Authentic" van zijn nieuwe album S.P.T.A ( Said Person Of That Ability ) het album ligt nu in de winkels enjoy de video Support Real Hip Hop.
donderdag 24 november 2011
Nieuw Demigodz album in de maak

The Demigodz zijn terug van weggeweest dat Twitterde Apathy Gister ( 23 november ).Apathy liet weten dat The Demigodz de studio zijn ingedoken om een nieuw album te maken en zal uitkomen in 2012.Meer info over het album is er nog niet dus we zullen nog even moeten afwachten.The Demigodz bestand uit Apathy,Celph Titled,7L & Esoteric,Louis Logic.Motive,Rise,El Fudge,Ryu & Blacastan.Stay Tuned Support Real Hip Hop.
maandag 21 november 2011
Fan van Justo blijf On Point
Ben je al fan van Justo en wil je op de hoogte blijven of meer van hem te weten komen in me lijst van links staat er nu een link naar zijn site Support Real Hip Hop.
vrijdag 18 november 2011
Nieuwe video Dj Premier & the Berklee Shymphony Orchestra feat Nas
Dj Premier heeft les gehad hoe je muziek moet schrijven en een orkest te begeleiden nou we weten al hoe goed de man is en dit is het resultaat enjoy de video Support Real Hip Hop.
Question & Answer met Justo
Justo is HET opkomende talent uit Brooklyn New York ik had het genoegen om een aantal vragen aan
Justo te stellen enjoy de Q&A Support Real Hip Hop.
Question = Paul
Answer = Justo
1.Q: How are you doing Justo?
A:I'm doing well Paul. Glad to have this opportunity to talk with you.
2.Q: You are a new and upcoming Mc and allready have made one of my favorite song of 2011 It`s Our Year Prod By Vic Black how came that all together?
A:I appreciate that..."Its Our Year" was a track that I honestly overlooked when Vic first gave me the beat for it. I didn't really have an idea what to do with it at first, but I listened to it a few times & those horns & drums got me thinking. I was struck with the idea of reviving lyricism & that old school hip hop sound, but from a new generations perspective. I'm not pleased with the way commercial hip hop has made it hard for artist like myself, who are lyricst & spit rhymes consciously. It's frustrating to hear the lack of real lyricism in the music industry, so this track was my way of expressing my dissatisfaction & declaring that we're still an existing breed & our time is now
3.Q: Who inspired you as a Mc or group?
A: It's hard to say because my inspiration kind of comes from my environment & just a love for expressing myself & the things I see, but ofcourse there were some mc's that played a huge role. Naturally NYC's big trio as like to call them; Nas(who I had the pleasure of meeting) Jay-Z, & Biggie all had an influence on me because of there individual abilities as artist & how they all persevered through hardships in NY to become legends. I aspire to somehow make that category one day.
Answer = Justo
1.Q: How are you doing Justo?
A:I'm doing well Paul. Glad to have this opportunity to talk with you.
2.Q: You are a new and upcoming Mc and allready have made one of my favorite song of 2011 It`s Our Year Prod By Vic Black how came that all together?
A:I appreciate that..."Its Our Year" was a track that I honestly overlooked when Vic first gave me the beat for it. I didn't really have an idea what to do with it at first, but I listened to it a few times & those horns & drums got me thinking. I was struck with the idea of reviving lyricism & that old school hip hop sound, but from a new generations perspective. I'm not pleased with the way commercial hip hop has made it hard for artist like myself, who are lyricst & spit rhymes consciously. It's frustrating to hear the lack of real lyricism in the music industry, so this track was my way of expressing my dissatisfaction & declaring that we're still an existing breed & our time is now
3.Q: Who inspired you as a Mc or group?
A: It's hard to say because my inspiration kind of comes from my environment & just a love for expressing myself & the things I see, but ofcourse there were some mc's that played a huge role. Naturally NYC's big trio as like to call them; Nas(who I had the pleasure of meeting) Jay-Z, & Biggie all had an influence on me because of there individual abilities as artist & how they all persevered through hardships in NY to become legends. I aspire to somehow make that category one day.
4.Q: Who`s your favorite Mc and Group?
A:Wow...thats a tough one too. If I could merge Biggie, Jay & Nas together...that would be my favorite Mc. Each one has a technique to there approach that's unmatched. With that said I could pick either one & couldn't go I'll just leave it at that.
5.Q: You teamed up with Vic Black of the gangstarr foundation and he produced your first song It`s Our Year how is it to work with him?
A: Vic is an amazing character. He's all over the place, but his work ethic is exactly like mine so we're usually on the same page. He's an outstanding teacher of the game & knows almost everything hip hop! I don't want to put him on blast, but he's 50 yrs old & moves around more than me! Super energetic, a fun person to be around & a very underrated dj & producer. He's like a father figure in this rap game & I'm blessed to have him on my team.
6.Q: What is your favorite Hip Hop song?
A: I love Biggie's track "Kick In The Door" produced by DJ Premier. It's one of my favorites. It's such a gritty track, with a lot of clever lyrics & hard beat to match. Big shouts too Preem.
7.Q: What is your favorite Hip Hop album & why?
A: This might come as a shock, but 50 Cents "Get Rich or Die Trying" was one of favorite albums. I was a teenager when it came out & it was the first album my moms actually bought for me(all the other ones I had to sneak to listen to) & I played it everyday! Sentimental value to my favorite album.
8.Q: What do you think about Hip Hop today?
A: Hip Hop today needs a wake up call. I feel like it's more of a fad than music itself. It lacks a lot of substance & it's hard to really get into. There's a few mc's trying to go against the grain like Slaughter House, Immortal Technique etc, but for the most part it lacks the basics. Not a lot of lyrics, or basslines or real instruments...i'm not bashing this new movement, but I do feel like it is lacking something. Hopefully more artist like myself step up & incorporate more quality & variety to the game. We need more soul & storytelling. That's just my straight up honest opinion.
9.Q: What can we expect from your album?
A: My album is basically an insight of my life, my struggle to the top & the things I've surpassed to get to this point. I talk a lot about my city, my boro; which is Brooklyn & how it's shaped my personality, the way I think, etc. It's been a huge influence on me & I share my views about it & life in general. It's a mix of feel good music with deep lyrics, heart felt stories, witty wordplay all combined to make one classic album for the future. I'm putting a lot of pressure on it because i've put a lot of work into it, so I only expect the best. So expect the best from this album.
10.Q: And which producers can we expect?
A: Vic Black ofcourse; Dj Premier & Pete Rock will also be on the album. I'm extremely excited about that because they're both legendary producers & there styles are perfect for my kind of sound, so it's destined to be some classics made from that callaboration. Marco Polo's on the album as well as Big French out of Harlem & 5th Seal out of East New York. All together the production quality is out this world & ever producer brings something great to the table.
11.Q: Do you have allready a name for the album & when does it comes out?
A: Yes sir...the album is called "Justify Me" & it comes out March of 2012.
12.Q: Are there any quest Mc`s on your album?
A: No guest appearances. I kind of wanted to prove to the world I can stand on my own two feet for the first album.
13.Q: Who`s your favorite producer?
A: My favorite producer would have to be 9th Wonder. I have a lot of producers I admire, but to me 9th Wonder is that dude. He samples soul music better than anyone else in the game right now & it's a shame he doesn't get more recognition.
14.Q: What is your favorite Hip Hop album of 2011?
A: To be honest 2011 has been such a grind for me, that I really haven't heard any albums this year. I heard Jay & Kanye's album was pretty dope & with that combination more than likely it was, but I'll have to get back to you on this one..
15.Q: Did you liked this Question & Answer ( interview )
A: For was a pleasure.
Thank you so much for your time i hope to see & meet you in the future here in holland much succes with your album.
A: Anytime & thank you.
Justo aka J. U da Ish
Brooklyn, NY
donderdag 17 november 2011
Nieuwe video Krs One "Just Like That"
en de titel van het album is gelijk aan zijn singel "Just Like That" Enjoy the video Support Real Hip Hop.
woensdag 16 november 2011
Dj Scratch komt met solo album

Dj Scratch van Epmd komt met een solo album uit.Het word een album met een instrumentaal album erbij
het is scratch zijn eerste solo.Scratch liet al weten met wie hij al had gewerkt op zijn nieuwe plaat LL Cool J,M.o.p,Talib Kweli.Large Professor.Busta Rhymes.Raekwon,Q Tip,Kurupt ( Doggpound),Bun B,en Tiya Phoenix en misshien zullen nog velen volgen.Scratch liet ook weten dat hij niet opzoek is naar radio air time hij wil gewoon een dope Hip Hop album op de markt brengen ben benieuwd Stay Tuned Support Real Hip Hop.
maandag 14 november 2011
Erick Sermon update

Erick Sermon heeft zelf laten weten na zijn hartaanval ( 12 nov ) dat het goed met hem gaat vandaag en morgen moet Erick nog tests ondergaan en hoopt woensdag weer thuis te zijn .
zondag 13 november 2011
Erick Sermon is getroffen door een hartaanval

Erick Sermon van Epmd heeft een hartaanval gehad dat melde zijn vriend en collega Dj Scratch via twitter.Dj Scratch twitterde : Erick Sermon had a heart attack today ( 12 november ) he`s ok but still send your prayers.He`s not on twitter.Hoe het nu gaat met Erick is niet bekend laten we hopen dat hij snel weer beter is.
woensdag 9 november 2011
The Heavster aka Heavy D R.i.p

Dwight Arrington Myers aka Heavy D is gisteren 8 november in het ziekenhuis overleden op 44 jarige leeftijd.Heavy D werd in 1991 wereldwijd bekend met het nummer "Now That We Found Love" en heeft nog vele Classic`s op zijn naam staan en heeft met grote artiesten samen gewerkt o.a Micheal Jackson later was Heavy ook te zien in films zoals Life en Boston Public.Kort geleden maakte Dj Premier nog bekekend dat Heavy D aan een nieuw album wilde beginnen "BlueFunk 2"waaraan Heavy D is overleden is niet bekend volgens sommige bronnen aan een hartaanval.Velen artiesten reageerden op twitter hier een paar tweets: Grandmaster Flash : i was just told Heavy D passed away
Dj Premier : I cannot believe what i`m hearing about Heavy D just died
Run ( Run Dmc ) : R.i.p to one of the best rapper who ever did it you will be missed tremendously
Questlove : Please someone tell me Heavy D jawn is a joke PLEASE
Nas : R.i.p to a real Hip Hop legend Heavy D
Raekwon : No don`t tell me that`s true bout Heavy D. Hip Hop heeft WEER een legende verloren laten we Heavy D nooit vergeten en laten we blijven genieten van zijn muziek Heavy D Rest In Peace.
zondag 6 november 2011
Nieuwe Roots video "Make My"
6 december in de winkels enjoy de video Support Real Hip Hop.
zondag 30 oktober 2011
Rakaa & Dj Babu in de Melkweg Amsterdam

Net als Phife Dawg die 18 november op het podium staat van de Melkweg zal Rakaa & Dj Babu van Dilated Peoples 5 dagen later ook het podium betreden in de Melkweg.Rakaa bracht vorig jaar zijn solo album "Crown Of Thorns" uit een dik Hip Hop album naast nummers van dat album zal Rakaa & Dj Babu vele Classic`s doen van Dilated Peoples. Support Real Hip Hop
Phife Dawg in de Melkweg Amsterdam

Malik aka Phife Dawg van A Tribe Called Quest geeft 18 november aanstaande een optreden in de Melkweg Amsterdam deze legendarische Mc zal naast nummers van zijn solo album "Ventilation The Lp talloze Classic`s doen die hij met A Tribe Called Quest heeft gemaakt dus ben je een ECHTE Hip Hop fan weet je waar je 18 november moet wezen. Support Real Hip Hop.
Tracklist nieuw album The Roots "Undun"

De Roots brengen 6 december aanstaande hun 8ste album alweer uit hier hebben we alvast hun Tracklist
1. Sleep
2. Make My Ft. Big K.R.I.T.
3. One Time
4. Kool On
5. The Jump
6. Stomp
7. Lighthouse
8. I Remember
9. Tip The Scale
10. Redford
Support Real Hip Hop
Nieuwe Common video "Blue Sky"
dinsdag 25 oktober 2011
Q & A ( Question & Answer ) met Dexter Thibou
Dexter Thibou aka UnkleDex werkte van 1993 tot 2003 in de misshien wel meest bekende studio in New York "The D&D Studio waar veel legendarische Mc`s Producers en groepen hun carriere zijn begonnen zoals Gangstarr Jay z Nas Jeru The Damaja Beatminerz om er maar een paar te noemen ik kreeg de kans om een Q & A te doen met Dex Enjoy.
Q:How are you doing dex?
A:I'm good my dude...
Q:How was it to grow up in New York:
A:Well I didn't grow up in NY..I grew up in Trinidad,I moved to NY
when I was about 18.
Q:What kind of music did you listen to was you was young?
A:I grew up in a house hold that was full of music.My mom listened to
mostly Soul and RnB stuff,my pops loved Reggae and Studio One which
would be considered dancehall by today's standards I guess.My
grandmother listened to mostly religious music and my granddad loved
country to answer your question..I listened to literally
everything as a kid.
Q:What was the first Hip Hop / Rap song you ever heard?
A:Shit..I guess that would be Planet Rock.In the islands we didn't
have access to a lot of NY Hip Hop in the early stages,so when we got
it, it was usually dated or old.Unless you were lucky enough to have
family abroad that recorded the mix shows off the radio like
Mr.Magic,Red Alert etc.I was one the lucky ones,plus I had homies that
had fam over seas so I would get dubs from them as well.Not to mention
I knew a lot of local DJ's that would make me tapes..I was well
covered on the music tip.
Q:What kind of education did you on school?
A:My high school was run like a college so I had a major ,if you will,
in Business studies.Our music program got cut the year I entered High
School so I didnt have a chance to learn about music that way.
Q:Did you always want to be a engineer?
A:I always wanted to be involved in music.I didn't know what aspect of
the business best suited me till I saw a movie about street racing of
all things.They had clips of a group in a recording studio laying down
music and I was like "That's It"..
Q:You worked in the legendary D&D studio's how did you get that job?
A:I was working at The Apollo Theatre in Harlem.They got new
management and fired the entire engineering staff.My homeboy Leo
"Swfit"Morris was working at D&D at the time and told me they were
looking for interns.I went in,had the interview with Doug Grama,one of
the owners,and was hired that day...the rest is history.
Q:And how was your first day like:
A:My first day was the shit!
Q:Which artist did you first meet and what was your reaction ?
A:I met Guru and DJ Evil Dee that day.I also met a female producer by
the name of Nikki Nicole.I knew that day that D&D was the place for
me.I had been around famous people before so I knew how to act,but
Guru is one of my favorite EMCees so I had to catch myself a lil
bit.Evil Dee was just now getting his notoriety from the Black Moon
project and it was dope meeting an up and coming artist like him.The
best part about meeting those guys and everyone else I met, was I
managed to maintain close relationships with most,if not all of them.
Q:What was your first album to work on & how was that?
A:The first album I worked on was Onyx "BACDAFUCUP".I was working at
the Apollo then.It was definitely a great learning experience and a
honor cause I got to work with a legend,Jam Master Jay and what would
later become a classic album.I got no credit for that album cause I
was still considered an intern, but the way they had the system set up
at the Apollo back then, the assistant had to pull intern duties as
Q:You are also on KRS One`s album KRS One in the song Reality how came
that together?
A:That was one of those Right Place at the Right Time deals.I was at
D&D sitting in the lounge and the assistant engineer, Luis Tineo,
called me into the room to run and errand for KRS.I had to buy a
pocket recorder for him.After I got him the recorder he asked me to go
outside and record some street noise and say what I said on the
song"These are the streets.." etc etc.He paid me and gave me credit on
the song for that,which I didn't even expect,but KRS is cool like
Q:Can you give a few name`s of artists that you worked with?
A:I'm known mostly for working with Premier,but I worked with Da
Beatminerz,ShowBiz,Diamond D,Lost Boyz,Mark Sparks,Boot Camp,KRS
One,Sadat X,Brand Nubian,Guru,GangStarr,M.O.P,Limp
Bizkit,Biggie,Janet,Brandy..those are the few I remember off the top
of the head.I have to say this though,Lord Finesse was the first Hip
Hop producer I ever worked with.I met Ness when he was working on Big
L's demo,L was 17 at the time.I can still call Ness and get good
advice or just kick it with him.He's a real good dude.
Q:And what was you most favorite memory at the D&D studios?
A:Got a lot of those but I remember one day walking into D&D and going
to my room,the B room,and it was full of smoke.I'm thinking the room
is on fire cause some fool fell asleep with a blunt in his hand or
some shit.Turns out the M.O.P. fam decided to have bar be que in the
back lounge which had no windows.Needless to say we had to change
locations but we had a banging ass bar be que that day.
Q:Who is your favorite Producer/Mc/Group and why?
A:Favorite producer Premier..his beats have always been crazy to
me,got the crazy funk vibe to it.I gotta say Da Beatminerz too,not
because we family but because they changed the production game
something serious when they came through.Nobody was really filtering
loops for bass lines like they were,maybe ShowBiz,but I can't think of
no one else.Favorite MC Sadat X..his rhyme flow is lil offbeat but he
rides the track anyway and his voice is mad distinctive.He got a way
of making shit go together even when they don't necessarily
rhyme.Favorite Group Tribe Called Quest..I can listen to tribe all
day,never get tired of them dudes,rhymes styles,beats,subject
matter..all next level.
Q:You are also known as UnkleDex who gave you that name?
A:Evil Dee gave me that name when I was his road manager.He said I was
like the mean uncle in the family that everyone had and would get
annoyed with,but you could count on him because he always looked out
for the family.
Q:You worked in the D&D studio`s from 1993 till 2003 what did you do after that?
A:After D&D I worked for MTV as a Music Consultant for Room Raiders
Season One.Then I moved to California and worked for a television
production company know as KAOS Entertainment,who were contracted by
Discovery Channel.I also worked for a porn website cataloging
movies.Not the most glamorous job but it paid real
Q:And were are you most proud of in that time ?
A:At that time I got my name mentioned in the Hollywood Insider or
Hollywood Revolver or whatever.That is a magazine that talks about
upcoming TV and film projects for the year and I had just got the job
as Associate Producer for a show called "Mega Machines".It was good to
see that and I kept that magazine of course.
Q:Are you still doing the same job?
Q:What are you future plan`s?
A:I'm currently working on a documentary about D&D studios.Besides
that I'm working on a few music projects and road managing for Pete
Q:What do you think of Hip Hop today?
A:I can't say I love all of it but I won't say I hate all of it
either.These artists today have no real identity,they coat tail
riders.I came from an era where you didn't wanna sound like anyone
else,even if they were in the same crew as you.I can't knock these
kids cause it's working for some of em but for those that aint get it
yet,my advice,get your own stake in this thing.It might take a while
but the reward is always greater in the end.
Q:Can people follow you on twitter & Facebook?
A:Yeah they can follow me on both twitter and FB.I was gonna keep FB
private but how private can I be with over 1300 "friends" and starting
a whole new page is to much damned work.My twitter is @unkledex and my
FB is my name Dexter Thibou. And please no bullshit spamming,tagging
me on shoe ads and all that cause you will be reported and blocked.I
still do mixes so artists lets talk business.
Q:What is your favorite album or song in 2011?
A:Ummmm...Curren$y got song with Stalley called "Address" that I still
bump and as far as albums go..Monumental by Smif n Wessun and Pete
Q:Did you liked this interview?
A:No..I Hate You Paul..LMAO..just kidding..
Paul:Thank you very must for this interview Dex
Dexter:No worries my dude anytime..
Dexter A.Thibou
"Today, I Shall Judge Nothing That Occurs"
Q:How are you doing dex?
A:I'm good my dude...
Q:How was it to grow up in New York:
A:Well I didn't grow up in NY..I grew up in Trinidad,I moved to NY
when I was about 18.
Q:What kind of music did you listen to was you was young?
A:I grew up in a house hold that was full of music.My mom listened to
mostly Soul and RnB stuff,my pops loved Reggae and Studio One which
would be considered dancehall by today's standards I guess.My
grandmother listened to mostly religious music and my granddad loved
country to answer your question..I listened to literally
everything as a kid.
Q:What was the first Hip Hop / Rap song you ever heard?
A:Shit..I guess that would be Planet Rock.In the islands we didn't
have access to a lot of NY Hip Hop in the early stages,so when we got
it, it was usually dated or old.Unless you were lucky enough to have
family abroad that recorded the mix shows off the radio like
Mr.Magic,Red Alert etc.I was one the lucky ones,plus I had homies that
had fam over seas so I would get dubs from them as well.Not to mention
I knew a lot of local DJ's that would make me tapes..I was well
covered on the music tip.
Q:What kind of education did you on school?
A:My high school was run like a college so I had a major ,if you will,
in Business studies.Our music program got cut the year I entered High
School so I didnt have a chance to learn about music that way.
Q:Did you always want to be a engineer?
A:I always wanted to be involved in music.I didn't know what aspect of
the business best suited me till I saw a movie about street racing of
all things.They had clips of a group in a recording studio laying down
music and I was like "That's It"..
Q:You worked in the legendary D&D studio's how did you get that job?
A:I was working at The Apollo Theatre in Harlem.They got new
management and fired the entire engineering staff.My homeboy Leo
"Swfit"Morris was working at D&D at the time and told me they were
looking for interns.I went in,had the interview with Doug Grama,one of
the owners,and was hired that day...the rest is history.
Q:And how was your first day like:
A:My first day was the shit!
Q:Which artist did you first meet and what was your reaction ?
A:I met Guru and DJ Evil Dee that day.I also met a female producer by
the name of Nikki Nicole.I knew that day that D&D was the place for
me.I had been around famous people before so I knew how to act,but
Guru is one of my favorite EMCees so I had to catch myself a lil
bit.Evil Dee was just now getting his notoriety from the Black Moon
project and it was dope meeting an up and coming artist like him.The
best part about meeting those guys and everyone else I met, was I
managed to maintain close relationships with most,if not all of them.
Q:What was your first album to work on & how was that?
A:The first album I worked on was Onyx "BACDAFUCUP".I was working at
the Apollo then.It was definitely a great learning experience and a
honor cause I got to work with a legend,Jam Master Jay and what would
later become a classic album.I got no credit for that album cause I
was still considered an intern, but the way they had the system set up
at the Apollo back then, the assistant had to pull intern duties as
Q:You are also on KRS One`s album KRS One in the song Reality how came
that together?
A:That was one of those Right Place at the Right Time deals.I was at
D&D sitting in the lounge and the assistant engineer, Luis Tineo,
called me into the room to run and errand for KRS.I had to buy a
pocket recorder for him.After I got him the recorder he asked me to go
outside and record some street noise and say what I said on the
song"These are the streets.." etc etc.He paid me and gave me credit on
the song for that,which I didn't even expect,but KRS is cool like
Q:Can you give a few name`s of artists that you worked with?
A:I'm known mostly for working with Premier,but I worked with Da
Beatminerz,ShowBiz,Diamond D,Lost Boyz,Mark Sparks,Boot Camp,KRS
One,Sadat X,Brand Nubian,Guru,GangStarr,M.O.P,Limp
Bizkit,Biggie,Janet,Brandy..those are the few I remember off the top
of the head.I have to say this though,Lord Finesse was the first Hip
Hop producer I ever worked with.I met Ness when he was working on Big
L's demo,L was 17 at the time.I can still call Ness and get good
advice or just kick it with him.He's a real good dude.
Q:And what was you most favorite memory at the D&D studios?
A:Got a lot of those but I remember one day walking into D&D and going
to my room,the B room,and it was full of smoke.I'm thinking the room
is on fire cause some fool fell asleep with a blunt in his hand or
some shit.Turns out the M.O.P. fam decided to have bar be que in the
back lounge which had no windows.Needless to say we had to change
locations but we had a banging ass bar be que that day.
Q:Who is your favorite Producer/Mc/Group and why?
A:Favorite producer Premier..his beats have always been crazy to
me,got the crazy funk vibe to it.I gotta say Da Beatminerz too,not
because we family but because they changed the production game
something serious when they came through.Nobody was really filtering
loops for bass lines like they were,maybe ShowBiz,but I can't think of
no one else.Favorite MC Sadat X..his rhyme flow is lil offbeat but he
rides the track anyway and his voice is mad distinctive.He got a way
of making shit go together even when they don't necessarily
rhyme.Favorite Group Tribe Called Quest..I can listen to tribe all
day,never get tired of them dudes,rhymes styles,beats,subject
matter..all next level.
Q:You are also known as UnkleDex who gave you that name?
A:Evil Dee gave me that name when I was his road manager.He said I was
like the mean uncle in the family that everyone had and would get
annoyed with,but you could count on him because he always looked out
for the family.
Q:You worked in the D&D studio`s from 1993 till 2003 what did you do after that?
A:After D&D I worked for MTV as a Music Consultant for Room Raiders
Season One.Then I moved to California and worked for a television
production company know as KAOS Entertainment,who were contracted by
Discovery Channel.I also worked for a porn website cataloging
movies.Not the most glamorous job but it paid real
Q:And were are you most proud of in that time ?
A:At that time I got my name mentioned in the Hollywood Insider or
Hollywood Revolver or whatever.That is a magazine that talks about
upcoming TV and film projects for the year and I had just got the job
as Associate Producer for a show called "Mega Machines".It was good to
see that and I kept that magazine of course.
Q:Are you still doing the same job?
Q:What are you future plan`s?
A:I'm currently working on a documentary about D&D studios.Besides
that I'm working on a few music projects and road managing for Pete
Q:What do you think of Hip Hop today?
A:I can't say I love all of it but I won't say I hate all of it
either.These artists today have no real identity,they coat tail
riders.I came from an era where you didn't wanna sound like anyone
else,even if they were in the same crew as you.I can't knock these
kids cause it's working for some of em but for those that aint get it
yet,my advice,get your own stake in this thing.It might take a while
but the reward is always greater in the end.
Q:Can people follow you on twitter & Facebook?
A:Yeah they can follow me on both twitter and FB.I was gonna keep FB
private but how private can I be with over 1300 "friends" and starting
a whole new page is to much damned work.My twitter is @unkledex and my
FB is my name Dexter Thibou. And please no bullshit spamming,tagging
me on shoe ads and all that cause you will be reported and blocked.I
still do mixes so artists lets talk business.
Q:What is your favorite album or song in 2011?
A:Ummmm...Curren$y got song with Stalley called "Address" that I still
bump and as far as albums go..Monumental by Smif n Wessun and Pete
Q:Did you liked this interview?
A:No..I Hate You Paul..LMAO..just kidding..
Paul:Thank you very must for this interview Dex
Dexter:No worries my dude anytime..
Dexter A.Thibou
"Today, I Shall Judge Nothing That Occurs"
Nieuwe Video`s Showbiz & A.G en Rakaa ( Dilated Peoples )
Showbiz & A.G komen binnenkort met hun nieuwe album "Mugshot Music". Hier heb je alvast een nieuwe video plus een stukje behind the scenes van het nummer "Suspended Animation" Enjoy the video`s Support Real Hip Hop.
Rakaa van Dilated Peoples kwam vorig jaar met zijn solo album "Crown Of Thorns" een dik Hip Hop album hier heb je zijn nieuwe video "Crown Of Thorns" feat Aloe Blacc Enjoy the video Support Real Hip Hop.
donderdag 29 september 2011
Nieuwe video Evidence " It Wasn't Me"
Hier is de 2de video van Evidence van zijn gloednieuwe album "Cats & Dogs". Cats & Dogs ligt nu in de winkels Support Real Hip Hop Enjoy de video.
woensdag 28 september 2011
Stukje geschiedenis Eminem by Paul Rosenberg
Paul Rosenberg is de manager van Eminem vanaf dag 1. Nu 12 jaar verder wilde hij met zijn collectie van al die jaren van optredens,video's,awards shows en nog veel meer met het publiek delen.Het is geen museum maar een stukje geschiendenis van Eminem volgens Paul Rosenberg enjoy de video's support Real Hip Hop.
Nieuwe Random Axe video "Chewbacca"
zaterdag 24 september 2011
Justo nieuw talent uit Brooklyn New York
Christopher Shannon aka Justo is geboren in Brooklyn New York en is het veel belovend nieuw Hip Hop talent.
Justo ( 21 ) heeft in een korte tijd naam weten te maken in Battles en optredens in Brooklyn,Harlem,Queens, en de Bronx in en met zijn eigen style. Justo groeide op thuis waar veel soul muziek werd gedraait en dat zijn ook zijn invloeden geweest zoals Anita Baker,Marvin Gaye,EWF,Mary J Blige,Commodores,Bill Withers en Luther Vandross en had natuurlijk zijn liefde voor Hip Hop en met die invloeden heeft Justo een frisse wind kunnen creeren met nieuw en old school Hip Hop. Justo werk nu samen met Dj Vic Black een member van de Gangstarr Foundation/Black Jewel Entertainment en werken aan tracks zoals " It's Our Year,How You Like Me Now,This Is How We Do en een tribute naar hun stad New York. Dj Vic Black is al ruim 25 jaar actief in the muziek en is verantwoordelijk voor artiesten zoals Spyda Man, Freeze, All City en heeft samen gewerkt met soul artiesten b.v Bell Biv Devoe en Hip Hop legende Mc Lyte Dj Vic Black is ook CEO van "Black Jewel Entertainment". Uiteindelijk zal er een album aankomen van Justo maar waneer dat is is niet bekend ondertussen kunnen we geniet van zijn eerste banger " It's Our Year" Enjoy de video Support Real Hip Hop. I wanna give a big shout out to my friend homeboy UnkleDex for all the info stay tuned.
zaterdag 17 september 2011
Masta Ace en MF Doom Album "MA DOOM: Son Of Yvonne"
Juice Crew member Masta Ace heeft via twitter laten weten dat het album die hij samen met MF Doom ( Kmd ) heeft gemaakt eindelijk klaar is."MA DOOM: Son Of Yvonne" is de titel van het nieuwe album waneer het album uitkomt is nog niet bekend. Masta Ace liet nog weten dat Doom alleen de produktie voor zijn rekening nam.Stay Tuned Support Real Hip Hop.
Dj Babu kondigd nieuw Duck Season 4 en Dilated Peoples album aan

maandag 12 september 2011
Meer Black Moon nieuws

Eerder liet ik al weten dat Dj Evil Dee bezig was met het maken van nieuwe beats voor het nieuwe Black Moon album. Nu liet de super producer Evil Dee weten dat het gehele album geproduceerd zal worden door Da Beatminerz ( Dj Evil Dee & Mr Walt ) die ook de productie voor de eerste 2 albums van Black Moon voor hun rekening namen. Ook liet hij weten hoe het aanstaande album zal gaan heten "Dark Side Of The Moon".Een datum voor het album is nog steeds niet bekend Stay Tuned. Big Up to UnkleDeX

Da Beatminerz ( Mr. Walt & Dj Evil Dee )
zondag 11 september 2011
Nieuwe Video Showbiz & A,G "Here & Now"
Showbiz & A.G zijn weer samen de studio ingedoken om samen een gloednieuw album te maken.Het album gaat "Mugshot Music" heten en zal binnenkort uitgebracht worden hier heb je alvast hun eerste singel en video van dat album "Here & Now" een echte Hip Hop Banger Enjoy Support Real Hip Hop
vrijdag 9 september 2011
Nieuwe video Evidence "You" Prod By Dj Premier
Dit is Evidence eerste nieuwe singel & video "You" van zijn aankomende album "Cats & Dogs" dit album zal vanaf 27 september in de winkels liggen Support Real Hip Hop.
Nieuwe Apathy video "Stop what ya doin" feat Celph Titled & Dj Premier
Het nieuwe album Apathy "Honkey Kong" is nu te verkrijgen in de winkels en internet support real Hip Hop.
donderdag 25 augustus 2011
Nieuwe video Apathy "Peace Connecticut"
Demigod Apathy is terug met zijn nieuwe album "Honkey Kong" wat sinds gister 23 augustus in de winkels ligt. Hier is zijn 2de video van dat album "Peace Connecticut" het nummer is geproduceerd door Da Beatminerz. Enjoy
maandag 25 juli 2011
zondag 24 juli 2011
Torae werkt aan zijn nieuwe album

zaterdag 23 juli 2011
Nieuw album Buckshot & 9th Wonder "The Solution"

zondag 17 juli 2011
R.i.p Guru ( 50ste Verjaardag )

donderdag 14 juli 2011
Teflon en Dj Evil Dee Nieuws

Nieuwe video Pete Rock & Smif N Wessun "Monumental"
Enjoy de video
dinsdag 12 juli 2011
MF Doom & Ghostface Killah album "Doomstarks"

MF Doom en Ghostface Killah hadden 5 jaar geleden al aangekondigt dat ze samen een album zouden gaan maken inmiddels zijn ze 5 jaar verder en is het eindelijk zover het album genaamd "Doomstarks" zal zeer binnenkort uitkomen maar een datum is er nog niet voor dus we zullen nog heel even moeten afwachten.
zondag 3 juli 2011
Nieuw album 9th Wonder "Wonder Years"

zaterdag 2 juli 2011
Video Cappadonna "Milk The Cow"
Ze zeggen wel eens beter laat dan nooit nou dat dacht Cappadonna ( Wu Tang Clan ) ook maar liefst 13 jaar na zijn debut album "The Pillage" in 1998 komt hij met zijn video van dat album "Milk The Cow" uit.
Enjoy de video.
Nieuw Guilty Simpson album "O.J Simpson 2"

Guilty Simpson albums :
Ode To The Ghetto ( 2008 )
O.J Simpson ( 2010 )
Random Axe ( 2011 )
donderdag 30 juni 2011
Nieuwe video's Smif N wessun & Apathy
Smif N Wessun - That's Hard Ft Styles P & Sean Price
Het album van Smif N Wessun "The Monumental" ligt nu in de winkels
Apathy - Check To Check
Het album van Apathy "Honkey Kong" ligt 23 augustus in de winkels
Het album van Smif N Wessun "The Monumental" ligt nu in de winkels
Apathy - Check To Check
Het album van Apathy "Honkey Kong" ligt 23 augustus in de winkels
zondag 26 juni 2011
Dj Revolution Presents "The Cut"

Dj Revolution heeft sinds kort een nieuwe website "TheCutOnline" hiermee wil Revolution dieper in gaan op de elementen van Hip Hop o.a Dj`s,Producers,Mc`s en natuurlijk niet te vergeten de B Boys.In The Cut geeft Revolution je een kijkje behind the scenes hoe bepaalde zaken in Hip Hop tot stand zijn gekomen.Dj Revolution is ook wel bekend als de Dj van "The Wake Up show" die hij samen met Sway & King Tech presenteerd Revolution heeft zelf ook albums uitgebracht zoals: Dj Revolution & King Tech - Instrumental Addicts ( 1997 ) Dj Revolution - R2K version 1.0 ( 1999 ) Sway & Tech with Dj Revolution - This or That ( 1999 ) Dj Revolution - In 12`s We Trust ( 2000 ) Dj Revolution - King Of The Decks ( 2008 ) en natuurlijk taloze mixtapes."The Cut " is voor de echte Hip Hopper een Must veel beeld materiaal interview en nog veel meer dus ga naar en Enjoy.
dinsdag 21 juni 2011
Nieuwe video Khaleel "Rappin Exercise"
Khaleel is net als Nick Javas een van de nieuwe leden van Dj Premier's Yearroundrecords en komt nu met zijn 2 video "Rappin Exercise" uit enjoy de video.
Khaleel "Rappin Exercise"Feat Panchi van de NYG'Z produced by Showbiz cuts by Dj Premier
zondag 19 juni 2011
Nieuwe Video Dj Js 1 "Last To Know"
Last To Know is de eerste nieuwe video van Dj Js 1( Dj van The Rock Steady Crew ) van zijn nieuwe album"No One Cares" ( Ground Original 3). "No One Cares" zal 21 juni in de winkels liggen Enjoy de video
zaterdag 18 juni 2011
Nieuw Album J Dilla "The Rebirth Of Detroit"

Het nieuwe album van J Dilla "The Rebirth Of Detroit" zal later dit jaar uitkomen.
J Dilla overleed zelf alweer 5 jaar geleden Dilla was en blijft een superproducer en werkte met grote namen zoals De La Soul,Slum Village,Common,A,G,Erykah Badu,D angelo,Phat kat,Black Milk,Madlib en velen andere. De moeder van J Dilla "Ma Dukes" verteld zelf ook nog iets over het nieuwe album "The Rebirth Of Detroit" Enjoy de video.
Achter de schermen met Smif N Wessun & Pete Rock
woensdag 15 juni 2011
Nieuwe Video Random Axe "Random Call"
Random Axe album ligt sinds gister in de winkels A MUST HAVE GO GET IT.
maandag 13 juni 2011
Da Beatminerz over Pete Rock & Smif N wessun album
Da Beatminerz ( Dj Evil Dee & Mr.Walt ) praten en geven hun mening over het nieuwe album van Pete Rock & Smif N Wessun "Monumental" en over hun favorieten Pete Rock album en Smif N Wessun album enjoy de video
donderdag 9 juni 2011
Bad Meets Evil "Fast Lane" Video
dinsdag 7 juni 2011
Bad Meets Evil Trailer
maandag 6 juni 2011
nieuwe Roc Marciano track prod by Pete Rock
Veel is er niet over bekend of Roc Marciano bezig is met een nieuw album of ep. Wel is er een nieuwe track op het internet te vinden genaamd "Writers Block" prod by Pete Rock ik kan er alleen over zeggen WAT EEN DIKKE TRACK ENJOY
Video Elzhi "It Ain't Hard To Tell"
Weer een nieuwe video van Elzhi van zijn nieuwe album "Elmatic" zijn tribute naar het album van Nas "Illmatic" enjoy "It Ain't Hard To Tell".
zaterdag 4 juni 2011
Laatste album Lords Of The Underground
De Mannen van Lords Of The Underground hebben laten weten dat ze na 20 jaar hun laatste album zullen uitbrengen en het album zal geheel geproduceerd zijn door de legendarische producer Marley Marl waneer het album zal uitkomen is nog niet bekend ook lieten ze weten dat ze niet uit elkaar zullen gaan.
Voor nu laten we nog even genieten van hun klassiekers enjoy
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