Hier is J Live`s nieuwe video "The Authentic" van zijn nieuwe album S.P.T.A ( Said Person Of That Ability ) het album ligt nu in de winkels enjoy de video Support Real Hip Hop.
vrijdag 25 november 2011
donderdag 24 november 2011
Nieuw Demigodz album in de maak

The Demigodz zijn terug van weggeweest dat Twitterde Apathy Gister ( 23 november ).Apathy liet weten dat The Demigodz de studio zijn ingedoken om een nieuw album te maken en zal uitkomen in 2012.Meer info over het album is er nog niet dus we zullen nog even moeten afwachten.The Demigodz bestand uit Apathy,Celph Titled,7L & Esoteric,Louis Logic.Motive,Rise,El Fudge,Ryu & Blacastan.Stay Tuned Support Real Hip Hop.
maandag 21 november 2011
Fan van Justo blijf On Point
Ben je al fan van Justo en wil je op de hoogte blijven of meer van hem te weten komen in me lijst van links staat er nu een link naar zijn site Support Real Hip Hop.
vrijdag 18 november 2011
Nieuwe video Dj Premier & the Berklee Shymphony Orchestra feat Nas
Dj Premier heeft les gehad hoe je muziek moet schrijven en een orkest te begeleiden nou we weten al hoe goed de man is en dit is het resultaat enjoy de video Support Real Hip Hop.
Question & Answer met Justo
Justo is HET opkomende talent uit Brooklyn New York ik had het genoegen om een aantal vragen aan
Justo te stellen enjoy de Q&A Support Real Hip Hop.
Question = Paul
Answer = Justo
1.Q: How are you doing Justo?
A:I'm doing well Paul. Glad to have this opportunity to talk with you.
2.Q: You are a new and upcoming Mc and allready have made one of my favorite song of 2011 It`s Our Year Prod By Vic Black how came that all together?
A:I appreciate that..."Its Our Year" was a track that I honestly overlooked when Vic first gave me the beat for it. I didn't really have an idea what to do with it at first, but I listened to it a few times & those horns & drums got me thinking. I was struck with the idea of reviving lyricism & that old school hip hop sound, but from a new generations perspective. I'm not pleased with the way commercial hip hop has made it hard for artist like myself, who are lyricst & spit rhymes consciously. It's frustrating to hear the lack of real lyricism in the music industry, so this track was my way of expressing my dissatisfaction & declaring that we're still an existing breed & our time is now
3.Q: Who inspired you as a Mc or group?
A: It's hard to say because my inspiration kind of comes from my environment & just a love for expressing myself & the things I see, but ofcourse there were some mc's that played a huge role. Naturally NYC's big trio as like to call them; Nas(who I had the pleasure of meeting) Jay-Z, & Biggie all had an influence on me because of there individual abilities as artist & how they all persevered through hardships in NY to become legends. I aspire to somehow make that category one day.
Answer = Justo
1.Q: How are you doing Justo?
A:I'm doing well Paul. Glad to have this opportunity to talk with you.
2.Q: You are a new and upcoming Mc and allready have made one of my favorite song of 2011 It`s Our Year Prod By Vic Black how came that all together?
A:I appreciate that..."Its Our Year" was a track that I honestly overlooked when Vic first gave me the beat for it. I didn't really have an idea what to do with it at first, but I listened to it a few times & those horns & drums got me thinking. I was struck with the idea of reviving lyricism & that old school hip hop sound, but from a new generations perspective. I'm not pleased with the way commercial hip hop has made it hard for artist like myself, who are lyricst & spit rhymes consciously. It's frustrating to hear the lack of real lyricism in the music industry, so this track was my way of expressing my dissatisfaction & declaring that we're still an existing breed & our time is now
3.Q: Who inspired you as a Mc or group?
A: It's hard to say because my inspiration kind of comes from my environment & just a love for expressing myself & the things I see, but ofcourse there were some mc's that played a huge role. Naturally NYC's big trio as like to call them; Nas(who I had the pleasure of meeting) Jay-Z, & Biggie all had an influence on me because of there individual abilities as artist & how they all persevered through hardships in NY to become legends. I aspire to somehow make that category one day.
4.Q: Who`s your favorite Mc and Group?
A:Wow...thats a tough one too. If I could merge Biggie, Jay & Nas together...that would be my favorite Mc. Each one has a technique to there approach that's unmatched. With that said I could pick either one & couldn't go wrong...so I'll just leave it at that.
5.Q: You teamed up with Vic Black of the gangstarr foundation and he produced your first song It`s Our Year how is it to work with him?
A: Vic is an amazing character. He's all over the place, but his work ethic is exactly like mine so we're usually on the same page. He's an outstanding teacher of the game & knows almost everything hip hop! I don't want to put him on blast, but he's 50 yrs old & moves around more than me! Super energetic, a fun person to be around & a very underrated dj & producer. He's like a father figure in this rap game & I'm blessed to have him on my team.
6.Q: What is your favorite Hip Hop song?
A: I love Biggie's track "Kick In The Door" produced by DJ Premier. It's one of my favorites. It's such a gritty track, with a lot of clever lyrics & hard beat to match. Big shouts too Preem.
7.Q: What is your favorite Hip Hop album & why?
A: This might come as a shock, but 50 Cents "Get Rich or Die Trying" was one of favorite albums. I was a teenager when it came out & it was the first album my moms actually bought for me(all the other ones I had to sneak to listen to) & I played it everyday! Sentimental value to my favorite album.
8.Q: What do you think about Hip Hop today?
A: Hip Hop today needs a wake up call. I feel like it's more of a fad than music itself. It lacks a lot of substance & it's hard to really get into. There's a few mc's trying to go against the grain like Slaughter House, Immortal Technique etc, but for the most part it lacks the basics. Not a lot of lyrics, or basslines or real instruments...i'm not bashing this new movement, but I do feel like it is lacking something. Hopefully more artist like myself step up & incorporate more quality & variety to the game. We need more soul & storytelling. That's just my straight up honest opinion.
9.Q: What can we expect from your album?
A: My album is basically an insight of my life, my struggle to the top & the things I've surpassed to get to this point. I talk a lot about my city, my boro; which is Brooklyn & how it's shaped my personality, the way I think, etc. It's been a huge influence on me & I share my views about it & life in general. It's a mix of feel good music with deep lyrics, heart felt stories, witty wordplay all combined to make one classic album for the future. I'm putting a lot of pressure on it because i've put a lot of work into it, so I only expect the best. So expect the best from this album.
10.Q: And which producers can we expect?
A: Vic Black ofcourse; Dj Premier & Pete Rock will also be on the album. I'm extremely excited about that because they're both legendary producers & there styles are perfect for my kind of sound, so it's destined to be some classics made from that callaboration. Marco Polo's on the album as well as Big French out of Harlem & 5th Seal out of East New York. All together the production quality is out this world & ever producer brings something great to the table.
11.Q: Do you have allready a name for the album & when does it comes out?
A: Yes sir...the album is called "Justify Me" & it comes out March of 2012.
12.Q: Are there any quest Mc`s on your album?
A: No guest appearances. I kind of wanted to prove to the world I can stand on my own two feet for the first album.
13.Q: Who`s your favorite producer?
A: My favorite producer would have to be 9th Wonder. I have a lot of producers I admire, but to me 9th Wonder is that dude. He samples soul music better than anyone else in the game right now & it's a shame he doesn't get more recognition.
14.Q: What is your favorite Hip Hop album of 2011?
A: To be honest 2011 has been such a grind for me, that I really haven't heard any albums this year. I heard Jay & Kanye's album was pretty dope & with that combination more than likely it was, but I'll have to get back to you on this one..
15.Q: Did you liked this Question & Answer ( interview )
A: For sure...it was a pleasure.
Thank you so much for your time i hope to see & meet you in the future here in holland much succes with your album.
A: Anytime & thank you.
Justo aka J. U da Ish
Brooklyn, NY
donderdag 17 november 2011
Nieuwe video Krs One "Just Like That"
en de titel van het album is gelijk aan zijn singel "Just Like That" Enjoy the video Support Real Hip Hop.
woensdag 16 november 2011
Dj Scratch komt met solo album

Dj Scratch van Epmd komt met een solo album uit.Het word een album met een instrumentaal album erbij
het is scratch zijn eerste solo.Scratch liet al weten met wie hij al had gewerkt op zijn nieuwe plaat LL Cool J,M.o.p,Talib Kweli.Large Professor.Busta Rhymes.Raekwon,Q Tip,Kurupt ( Doggpound),Bun B,en Tiya Phoenix en misshien zullen nog velen volgen.Scratch liet ook weten dat hij niet opzoek is naar radio air time hij wil gewoon een dope Hip Hop album op de markt brengen ben benieuwd Stay Tuned Support Real Hip Hop.
maandag 14 november 2011
Erick Sermon update

Erick Sermon heeft zelf laten weten na zijn hartaanval ( 12 nov ) dat het goed met hem gaat vandaag en morgen moet Erick nog tests ondergaan en hoopt woensdag weer thuis te zijn .
zondag 13 november 2011
Erick Sermon is getroffen door een hartaanval

Erick Sermon van Epmd heeft een hartaanval gehad dat melde zijn vriend en collega Dj Scratch via twitter.Dj Scratch twitterde : Erick Sermon had a heart attack today ( 12 november ) he`s ok but still send your prayers.He`s not on twitter.Hoe het nu gaat met Erick is niet bekend laten we hopen dat hij snel weer beter is.
woensdag 9 november 2011
The Heavster aka Heavy D R.i.p

Dwight Arrington Myers aka Heavy D is gisteren 8 november in het ziekenhuis overleden op 44 jarige leeftijd.Heavy D werd in 1991 wereldwijd bekend met het nummer "Now That We Found Love" en heeft nog vele Classic`s op zijn naam staan en heeft met grote artiesten samen gewerkt o.a Micheal Jackson later was Heavy ook te zien in films zoals Life en Boston Public.Kort geleden maakte Dj Premier nog bekekend dat Heavy D aan een nieuw album wilde beginnen "BlueFunk 2"waaraan Heavy D is overleden is niet bekend volgens sommige bronnen aan een hartaanval.Velen artiesten reageerden op twitter hier een paar tweets: Grandmaster Flash : i was just told Heavy D passed away
Dj Premier : I cannot believe what i`m hearing about Heavy D just died
Run ( Run Dmc ) : R.i.p to one of the best rapper who ever did it you will be missed tremendously
Questlove : Please someone tell me Heavy D jawn is a joke PLEASE
Nas : R.i.p to a real Hip Hop legend Heavy D
Raekwon : No don`t tell me that`s true bout Heavy D. Hip Hop heeft WEER een legende verloren laten we Heavy D nooit vergeten en laten we blijven genieten van zijn muziek Heavy D Rest In Peace.
zondag 6 november 2011
Nieuwe Roots video "Make My"
6 december in de winkels enjoy de video Support Real Hip Hop.
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