Enjoy The Real Hip Hop Enjoy de video's
zondag 26 februari 2012
vrijdag 17 februari 2012
Maseo Dj / Producer van De La Soul komt met solo album

Maseo de Dj / Producer van De La Soul heeft aangekondigt dat hij bezig is met zijn eerste solo album genaamd "Dj Conductor".Maseo heeft dit altijd al gewild zo vertelde hij op dit album wil hij samen werken met nieuwe artiesten en oude bekende zoals Krs One en Freddie Foxxx ( bumpy Knuckles ) waneer het album uit zal komen is nog niet bekend.Support Real Hip Hop.
Nieuwe video Smif N Wessun - "Top Of The World"
De nieuwste video van Smif N Wessun "Top Of The World" feat Memphis Bleek van hun laatste album "Monumental" die geheel is geproduceerd door Pete Rock het album is te verkrijgen via itunes amazon en bol.com enjoy de video Support Real Hip Hop.
woensdag 15 februari 2012
Big L R.i.p

Vandaag 13 jaar geleden overleed Big L aan de gevolgen van een driveby shooting.Big L bracht in 1995 zijn eerste album "Lifestylez Ov Da Poor And Dangerous"uit 2 singels van dat album "Put It On & M.V.P"kwamen in de top 25 van de billboard te staan.In 2000 kwam Big L`s 2de album uit "The Big Picture" die eigenlijk uit had moeten komen in 1999 maar was uitgesteld omdat Big L in dat jaar werd vermoord.Collega`s en vrienden namen het project in handen en zorgde ervoor dat het een goed album zou worden met o.a producties van Dj Premier,Pete Rock,Lord Finesse,Ron G,Showbiz en velen andere en guest appearances met Fat Joe.Tupac,Kool G Rap,Big Daddy Kane,Guru,Sadat X,O.c en Miss Jones werd het een CLASSIC van een album met o.a Ebonics,Size Em Up,Flamboyant en Holdin It Down.De moord van Big L is tot de dag van vandaag nog steeds niet opgelost. Lamont Coleman aka Big L is een groot gemis in Hip Hop Rest In Peace Big L.
woensdag 8 februari 2012
Nieuwe Pharoahe Monch video "Still Standing"
dinsdag 7 februari 2012
J Dilla R.i.p

Vandaag vieren we J Dilla's verjaardag J Dilla zou vandaag 38 jaar geworden zijn.J Dilla de misshien wel Hip Hop's beste producer ooit.10 februari aanstaande 6 jaar geleden overleed J Dilla aan LUPUS.J Dilla heeft met wereld's grote Hip Hop en r&b/soul artiesten samen gewerkt o.a met De La Soul,Busta Rhymes,Slum Village,A Tribe Called Quest,Phat Kat,Common,D angelo,Erykah Badu,The Roots enz J Dilla is een groot gemis Rest In Peace homie Happy Birthday.
Drawing By Hombre of the Stick Up Kids Crew .
zondag 5 februari 2012
Geen nieuwe muziek van Epmd in de toekomst

Erick Sermon van Epmd heeft laten weten in een interview dat er in de toekomst geen nieuwe muziek meer van Epmd zal verschijnen dit zal geen break up van de groep betekenen want ze zullen wel samen blijven optreden verklaarde Erick.Kort geleden had Epmd nog een reunie met hun Hit Squard en Def Squard ( Redman,K Solo, en Das Efx ) Support Real Hip Hop.
vrijdag 3 februari 2012
Question & Answer met Lord Jazz ( Lords Of The Underground )

Q - How are you doing Lord Jazz?
A: Im doing fine,i cant complain....
2. Q - You are from Cleveland New Jersey how was it to grew up there?
A: Well i grew up in Cleveland Ohio its a city in the midwest,this is where my roots from hip hop come from.I will never forget WDMT that was a station that had street DJ'S come up and rock on Saturday nights.I listened to this show every Sat.Dj s like Cochise,Johnny O etc were/are Cleveland legends.It was hard growing up in Cleveland because if you werent from NYC or L.A you couldnt really get on in the music industry,so you really had to pay dues.
3. Q - What kind of music did you listen to in your youth & what was the first Hip Hop song or album that you heard?
A: I listened to alot of funk,soul and hip hop and electronic hip hop,the first hip hop song i ever heard was grand master flash "the message"
4. Q - Did you always wanna to be a Dj?
A: I have hip hop in my veins but in the beginning it just started out as a hobby and i loved doing it,it wasnt until college that i understood i could make a living doing this.I was a radio/tv communications major at Shaw University in Raleigh North Carolina
5. Q - What was your first turntable?
A: My first turntable was actually my mothers and i saved up my money to buy my own and it was a MCS belt drive turntable from JC PENNYS lol the tables didnt match at all but i was happy !
6. Q - Was the name dj Lord Jazz your first dj/artist name?
A: DJ LORDJAZZ wasnt my first name that name was given to me from Marley Marl,my first name was DJ JAZZY A cause i love jazz music so much.
7. Q - Where do you know the other guys of L.O.T.U.G from?
A:I know Doitall and Mr Funke from Shaw University,Im going to explain to you how we got started.My best friend at Shaw (Derek L.A Jackson) Marley Marls cousin told me to start a group over the summer in 1989,so thats what i did.When i went back to Shaw in Aug i started looking for mc's.A friend of mine(Denton Evans)introduced me to Doitall and i liked his flow and i brought doitall up to my radio show on campus and he would freestyle.Then a week later i was introduced to Mr Funke and i thought his flow flow was dope ! so i immediately went to my 4 track studio and recorded psycho ,check it and some other songs.I sent it to Marley Marl and he loved it.I then set up a show in Raleigh and Marley came down to see us perform and we ripped it...so he invited us to the HOUSE OF HITS and we started recording songs.
8. Q - Who came up with the name Lord Of The Underground?
A: Actually Tragedy (Intelligent Hoodlum) said lords of the underground in one of his raps and Marley heard that and said to us Thats Its !!
9. Q - Who did you looked up to as a Dj?
A: I was influenced by the street DJS in Cleveland first,then nationally i was influenced by Grandmaster Flash,Grandwizard Theodore,Marley Marl,Red Alert,Kool Herc,Mixmaster Dst,Jam Master Jay,Dj Grandmaster Dee etc the list is long lol
10 Q - Which L.O.T.U.G album are most proud of & why?
A: I would say Here come the lords,because we were still in college when we did that album and everything we did was straight from out hearts.We didnt try to make a particular sound or style it just came out thats hip hop to us.To be able to say what you want how you want was so precious to us.We were original,while others bit Das style iggedy wiggedy etc we were just doing us.I have a funny story,whil i was in college i used to get alot of promo records from labels and one day i got this record called "the want efx" and soon as i put it on i said Doitall didnt tell me he did a record already?? This is when we were in the studio making Here come the lords ,thats why we did Here come the lords song Because it sounded so much like doitall ...
11 Q - Now you are having you own solo album "The Plain Dealer" did you always wanna to make a solo album?
A: Yes i ve always wanted to a solo project i just could never get the time to do it.Now that i have one out it feels great ! Everything from pics to the cover to the music and mc s was all me.I didnt have to get anybody elses opinion.Its hard in a group of 3 because its always 2 against 1 and we all have to agree on something before we can proceed,i had total freedom of doing me.What really gave me the strength and courage to do this album was my best friend Darnel Chase,he was murdered in July 2008 in Newark Nj and i dedicated this album to him and his family because he was dedicated to music and sports for the youth in Newark and also a partner in the Premium Records company.R.I.P Chase!
12 Q - Where comes the name "The Plain Dealer" from?
A: Well the name PLAIN DEALER comes form where i was born and raised which is Cleveland Ohio.Its a newspaper out of Cleveland.I choose that name because i want people to know about me and my origins.Some people think im from New Jersey,North Carolina because i lived in those places but hometown for me is Cleveland.Also the meaning behind the plain dealer is that newspapers deal with all kinds of issues and i wanted to portray some issues on this album like New world order which can be heard on Eagle Eye ft Aarophat he s talknig about how the gov is watching all of us and people are so blind to that fact because there just thinking of material things.On the song Before we go ft Respect Tha God he s talking about Dying and why we should be thankful and supportive of our fellow loved ones.
13 Q - What can people expect from "The Plain Dealer"?
A: You can expect dope beats rhymes and cuts ! All the beats were produced by me except the say yea remix. I call my music adult contemporary hip hop because i believe it s for an older audience.Nowadays you have Dr's and lawyers that listen to hip hop and they were fans of ours back in the day and theres millions of them that still like my kind of hip hop so that s the crowd i do my music for.The song "I AM" ft Beez portiya is a differnt style of beat from me but it still has the same feeling of a boom bap track its hardcore to me and the flow is crazy!
14 Q - What are the future plan's for Lord Jazz?
A: My future plans are to keep doing music,raise my kids and enjoy my life
15 Q - Are you gonna do a tour to promote your new album ?
A:Im working on a tour now for the spring/summer for the Plain Dealer and the Lords 20 yr Anniversary album..be on the look out for Mr Funkes solo album too coming soon.Thanks for the love and support and continue to support me and my crew peace www.facebook.com/lordjazzlotug http://www.lordjazz.com/ www.twitter@djlordjazzlotug
The Plain Dealer is nu verkrijgbaar via itunes amazon.com
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